From the outer reaches of space and the depths of consciousness comes your hero like you've never seen him before. Forget the mythology, the lore, the rumors floating on warm summer breezes- CozmikGangsta, from the tip of his quill, uncut and unfiltered.
One would be hard pressed to find a better work environment than Intergalactic Headquarters in Durham. Ample desk space enclosed by four glass walls, windows opening to the rustling foliage and afternoon play of woodland creatures.
But time is indifferent, continuing to flow forth, bringing seasons, chapters and change.
Rewind to late November 2009, Berlin. Surrounded by the heartbeat of a revolution, our hero says goodbye to friends and colleagues. While magic was made in the beautiful space of an amazing place, it could not last forever. What can?
North Carolina opens her arms in a warm, familiar embrace. Younglings have grown older, but their love has not faded. It is stronger and now they move through life with greater confidence and skill. The Main Street bars buzz with holiday cheer, spirits and nostalgia serving a powerful concoction for letting the mind wander to what could have beens as well as new possibilities. Old acquaintances promise each other the world. A New Year. Then stillness.
In a few weeks our hero will set his course for Paris, again. Each time he returns it's different. New challenges and a chance to dig deeper, for his relationship with the city of light is ever evolving. Bittersweet the reunion will be. Every street corner, every bench, every avenue is filled with memories, moments shared and sweat spilt. The friends and feelings now etched into his very being. But these souls, like the city, are timeless. Their faces linger on in memory and their laughter echos though the stone alleyways, forever.
Woo-hoo!!! We love it so far, the more work you give us, the more we want to read.
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